Today was a little different than the other surgeries that Sarah has had...instead of going early in the morning, we went later in the afternoon at 12 to be there for her surgery at 1. It was different because Sarah had to go most of the day hungry, instead of sleeping through most of the hungry part! She did good though...
They called us back to pre-op a little after 1:00 to get Sarah ready, and Sarah, Riley and Daddy sat down to watch some Veggie Tales on the DVD player we brought with us! So cute!
When getting dressed in her gown to go back the the operating room, she wanted to keep wearing her tutu! She was so cute...and I'm sure the most fashionable little 2 year old back there in a hospital gown!! (Chuck takes her back, so he took it off for the surgery once she was asleep)
Surgery lasted a little over an hour and Dr. Waner came out to tell us how it went, at first Sarah was supposed to get dissoluble stitches that we could go home with, but when Waner started working he realized that the plan of what he was going to do and how he was going to do it needed to be changed, so she got regular stitches, and on Friday we are going to go back, and they will do more laser (they did some today) and take out the regular stitches and replace them with the dissoluble ones; for us to go home with.
Sarah bounced right back, and was drinking her juice out of a cup and eating goldfish in no time!
Thank you all for your prayers, and love!
God is Good!
I am so glad that the surgery went well! She is such a trooper! I hope the rest of the week goes well for her and all of you!!! Wish we could see you!
She is such a little trooper!!!
Thank you for sharing the update on Sarah surgery she looks so cute in the picture w/the nurse. I love the picture of Charlie, Sarah and Riley. They are so cute. I keep praying Friday goes great too! See you all when you get back home.
الان اقوى مبيدات فعالة للتخلص من الحشرات نهائيا مع اكبر شركة مكافحة حشرات بالدمام باستخدام مواد صديقة للبيئة كما لديما فنيين مختصين فى ابادة جميع انواع الحشرات داخل ِشركة مكافحة حشرات بالخبر مع ضمان عدم ظهورها مرة اخرى فقط زوروا موقعنا
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