Sorry this post is a little late, we realized we had forgotten to put this one on! Sarah did very well this morning getting her stitches switched, talked to Dr. Waner, and he doesn't know what the next step is until we send him some pictures in a month to see how well she is healing, so we will find out later.
But she did well, a little grumpy girl, but shes doing much better!
But we did take Sarah to the Stardust Diner the day after her surgery...and of course she enjoyed it! While the wait staff was getting the music ready to play for the next song, Sarah took that opportunity to sing herself! One of the waiters started to joke that he was going to take a microphone to Sarah! She was singing so loud and having a ball! She did it in between all of the breaks! Her songs were "ABC's" and "Old McDonald!" Here's a picture or two while we were there!