Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Surgery was Successful!

Today was surgery day and was very successful. Dr. Waner was able to take a good portion of scaring out of Sarah's lip and bring the lip out some to help make her bottom lip look more full with what he described as a certain way of stitching it up. Dr. Waner also did some fraxil laser to help smooth out the scaring on the rest of her face. Sarah woke up from surgery the best a three year old could wake up from surgery and after some serious promising and bribery we were able to get her to drink some pediolyte and eat some crackers. We arrived back at the apartment a few minutes ago and all in the Porter house are in need of a nap. Thank you for your prayers and would like to say a special thank you to Hometown Hero's back home. Here is a picture of Sarah post surgery and a picture of Sarah with Dr. Waner a few minutes after surgery.


  1. I'm so glad she came out of another surgery successfully! It brings back a lot of memories of our Andi going through surgery with Dr. Waner 2.5 years ago. We were definitely one of the lucky ones, to only need one surgery. I pray that Sarah and your family have a safe trip and that you don't have many more ahead. But as you know you couldn't be in better hands!
